Essential SSL

House Rule

1) The Event Liaison is the only official point of contact and is responsible for all things pertaining to the booking. He/She must be readily contactable throughout the booking either via call, WhatsApp or text.

2)Please treat all facilities with care. Any damaged or missing items will be subject to replacement fees according to the value of the item.

3)Decorating the unit is allowed. However, do not use mounting tape, nails, glue or any form of adhesive that will cause permanent damage to surfaces when removed. Blu Tack is allowed. Please remove all decoration before leaving the unit. Any damaged surfaces may be subject to replacement or restoration fees.

4)Please do not tamper with the switches or disconnect/connect equipment, otherwise restoration fees will apply accordingly. Kindly provide information about any other appliances to be deployed to pre-empt possible overload to the unit’s power supply.

5)Shouting, screaming, excessively loud music, rowdy or violent behaviour is not allowed. Please keep your volume to a reasonable level (such as at a restaurant or bar).

6)Smoking within the unit is strictly only at pantry area. as any damage or dirtying of the premise externally may be deductible from the deposit. Smoke detectors are located within the unit. In the event that the smoke detectors are triggered (which will activate the SCDF), the deposit may be forfeited due to noncompliance and any additional damages as a result will be liable for recovery.

7)No sexual or illegal activity is allowed.

8) 1. Kindly leave the unit on time.
2. Informed Extensions are defined as extensions made latest before the end of the event, Informed extensions will be charged at the standard per hour rate. In the event of an Uninformed Extension, our representatives will attempt to contact the Event Liaison. If contactable and an extension is possible.

9)Please check that main door are securely locked when leaving. Failure to do so may result in a $100 look-up fee if there is any disputed damages for the security team to thoroughly verify the CCTV records. In the event of theft or a break in due to access being left open, additional damages incurred will also be recoverable.

10)Kindly check that all your belongings have been collected. Management is not responsible for any loss or damages sustained as a result of the booking of the event space.

- No heavy stains (This is defined as not being able to be wiped or moped  completely in 1 pass)

- No lasting damage / odor left in the unit and on its furnishings if left on or with its removal.

- Rubbish is bagged, tied and disposed of in the main chute area ~green bin right infront of the main door.

- Returning any moved furniture to their original positions.

- In the event that the floor is dirty due to crumbs from food, spillage of liquid, vomit, food, mud, dirt or any other debris, kindly wipe it up.

12)Management reserves the right to tack on an additional heavy duty cleaning charge when necessary to return the unit to its default condition. Some common examples where this may be required are as follows:

- Use of confetti

- Stains on Fabric/Upholstery

- Deodorising